Easterseals Project Action Consulting offers customized training and technical assistance to fit every agency’s schedule and your community’s needs. We offer introductory, intermediate and advanced training and technical assistance in a variety of formats—from webinars to in-person training—so that we can best help you find solutions to improve mobility in your neighborhood and community.
Below are some of our past and ongoing clients that represent the range of training and types of delivery that we provide.
Minnesota Department of Transportation
Easterseals Project Action Consulting is in its third year of providing in-person workshops and webinars for the MnDOT as a part of their Rural Transit Assistance Education Program. Current in-person workshops include, but are not limited to, Fundamentals of Transit Management, Diversity Training, and Human Resources Training. We are looking forward to 2017 which will include 4 more webinars and 5 additional in-person workshops.
Easterseals North Texas Travels Program
Easterseals Project Action Consulting has partnered with Easterseals North Texas in assisting in providing training for their North Texas Travels program. The partnership has been strong for the past 4 years and by the end of this year of training programs, the North Texas region could have up to 25 certified travel trainers assisting people with disabilities and older adults to travel independently in their communities. The partnership has included many in-person Introduction to Travel Training and Advanced Travel Training Strategies workshops and online courses and webinars on travel training.
Alamo Area Council of Governments
Easterseals Project Action Consulting completed a comprehensive contract assisting Bexar County in implementing travel training programs and services. ESPAC presented webinars and in-person workshops, developed curricula, customized data collection and assessment forms, created and printed a travel training resource guide, and developed two videos on travel training for organizations in Bexar County.
Montana Department of Transportation
ESPAC is developing a one-day workshop on the ADA, Title VI, and Policy Development for the Montana Fall Transit Workshop.
Oklahoma Transit Association
ESPAC is developing a one-day workshop on the ADA and reasonable modification, service animals, serving customers with disabilities and the latest updates and best practice guidance from the Federal Transit Administration.
New York State Department of Transportation – ESPAC presented 3 live webinars for the NYSDOT Public Transportation Bureau covering frequently asked questions on the ADA and public transportation.
Mid-Atlantic ADA Center
ESPAC has presented a few webinars for the Mid-Atlantic ADA Center in the recent past. Topics included Alternate Modes of Transit and the ADA, Developing Effective Policies and Practices for Snow Removal, and Top Transportation Issues for People with Disabilities and Potential Solutions.
Delaware Department of Transportation– ESPAC conducted 4 ½-day workshops for both the fixed-route and paratransit call center staff for the Delaware Transit Corporation. Workshop topics included phone etiquette for people with disabilities, working with “difficult” customers, effectively answering questions managing stress, and active listening.
Siouxland Regional Transit
ESPAC will conduct a 1-day training workshop for Siouxland Regional Transit in Sioux City, Iowa for bus operators and dispatchers on serving customers with disabilities. The training will focus on information on the Americans with Disabilities Act, reasonable modification to policy and practice and other topics as requested.